Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain Ayurvedic Medical College




  1. Students seeking admission to the first year BAMS degree must have passed the two year PUC examination of the PUC Board, Bangalore or any other examination considered equivalent there to by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional and with a practical examination in each subject with minimum 50% marks in these subjects.
  2. A candidate who has passed the Pre-professional examination in Medicine conducted by any other recognized university shall also be eligible for admission. Subjects studied in the occasional course will not be considered.
  3. The graduate with Chemistry, Botany and Zoology is eligible for admission provided he/she produces a certificate of having passed an examination in Physics, the syllabus of which is equivalent to that of the two year Pre- University Course in Karnataka.
  4. In the case of a candidate who has taken Zoology and Botany as separate subjects, the marks in those subjects at the degree level will be considered as Biology marks.
  5. A candidate who fulfils any one of the above requirements must have obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate in the science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) at the qualifying examination or at a higher (University) examination.
  6. No candidate shall be admitted unless he/she has completed 17 years of age as on 31st Dec. of the year of admission.
  7. Students who have passed an examination other than Pre – University, (Bangalore), should submit Eligibility Certificate before admission issued by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore

MD/MS 3 Years


Students seeking admission to M.D/ M.S (Ayurveda) course shall meet the following requirements.

  1. Must have passed the BAMS degree course of a recognized University. Preference will be given to those with interest in teaching & Research.
  2. Should be obtaining Eligibility certificate before admission from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.
  3. Only those who have passed the subject concerned (Specialized Subject) at degree level in first attempt eligible for admission.
  4. Shall have obtained not less than 55% in final year degree examination and in the case of ST/SC and in service candidates 50%.
  5. Shall have completed the prescribed period of Internship as on the last date of receipt of application notified by the university.
  6. Shall not have attained the age of 45 years as on the last date fixed for   receipt of application. For SC/ST candidates the age limit relaxed up to 48 years.